What an Independance Day Weekend

Jul 07, 2008 07:11

What can I say this has been one hell of a weekend. some work on Friday on the 4th and a nice relaxing evening watching fireworks with out having to shoot my own. Then a restless nights sleep as Sunday I got in a 94 Caviler with dad and drove the 7 something hours down to Orlando. Stayed Saturday with my Friends Marc and Heidi and got to eat some really good Pizza. Watched Mark play Blazing Angels on his Wii for a bit, but really love the Custom corvette hats the Heidi did for me and my dad on her new Embroidery machine. Sunday Morning wake up about 6 am and chat with Marc for a good while. Marc and Heidi get more hats done for orders they have and my Dad wakes up finally. We start watching a Japanese movie about the Yamato when I get a returned call from the night before I had been expecting. So a little trip is made to look at a car and then pay the gentleman money.

Now comes the fun part. 7 hours back home with a new car. Yes it is official I now own a new car. One very beautiful 2003 Electron Blue Corvette Z06.
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