Whole Wheat Couscous Pilaf with Veg

May 17, 2009 19:12

Couscous Pilaf
Originally uploaded by Ragnvaeig. A couple years ago, I'd found a couscous pilaf recipe to use at Pennsic, and it's been so tasty that I've done variations on it a few times since then.

The markets around here are pretty fantastic for local produce, and I recently found organic wholewheat couscous for about half the price of the boxes in the supermarket, as well as local spinach, leeks, and grape tomatoes. I made up the couscous with some of the chicken stock I'd made last week, roasted the halved tomatoes in olive oil, caramelized the leek and wilted the spinach. Served it with a bit of plain yoghurt seasoned with garlic and pepper. Tasty.


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