Israel Regardie's Eye in the Triangle

Nov 03, 2006 04:28

I've gotten back into reading a book by Israel Regardie called "The Eye in the Triangle."

It's a biography of Aleister Crowley. Regardie was a psychoanalyst (heavily influenced by Jung, if the book is any indication) who had been Crowley's personal secretary in his youth.

I'm about 350 pages into it, and it's fascinating. A bit thick too. I'm only vaguely familiar with the occult traditions of which he speaks. When Regardie discusses the matter, I find it challenging to digest.

Crowley himself comes off as a complicated man. He could be incredibly generous, yet he took offense easily. He used various meditation exercises to learn to focus and visualize to a truly astonishing degree. For example, he could (and regularly did) play chess while blindfolded.

I came across an interview some time ago in which Robert Anton Wilson talked about how much he loved this book, so I thought I'd give it a go. In spite of the Golden Dawn material (which I find rather confusing) it's a fun read.


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