Another Survey! Compliments of Seiya!

Dec 05, 2005 22:06

So tired... yet surveys are so addictive...

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Post your results.
1) Is serpentinian an emo? Oh yeah. His favorite band is Linkin Park. -_-
2) What is serpentinian's favorite movie? Get Rich or Die Tryin'
3) Which president would pottyringer be likely to idolize? JFK
4) Is meistermetzger related to currypanman? No.
5) What mental disorder does saikotanuki remind you of? Neurotic.
6) If benign_kat_su_j was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? MySpace Nerds
7) What flavor of jello would crash_blair be? Orange. LoL
8) Is benign_kat_su_j a high school student? Yeah.
9) Does tati107 have a big secret? Sure.
10) What would you do if taanya died? Depends on how she died.
11) Does pottyringer do drugs? You'd think so, wouldn't you?
12) Where did you first meet serpentinian? Summer camp.
13) Would you make out with saikotanuki? If I have a deathwish, sure...
14) Do you have ostrichbefun's screenname? Yeah.
15) Do pottyringer and zero_outlaw go to the same school? Yeah.
16) Are currypanman and tati107 going steady? No.
17) If meistermetzger took over the world, who would suffer? Furbies.
18) Does meistermetzger go to your school? Yeah.
19) Does benign_kat_su_j have a crush on crash_blair? I don't think they know each other.
20) If niftypolkadots were hanging off a cliff, what would crash_blair do? Help her up.
21) Would you ever date s2toshiya? No.
22) Are meistermetzger and tati107 married? No. Though it'd be interesting to see..
23) What is benign_kat_su_j's favorite game? Hmm...
24) What animal should serpentinian be combined with? Wolf.
25) Is serpentinian a college student? No.
26) What do you disagree with pottyringer about? Jude Law.
27) How tall is am1100? Average.
28) If crash_blair commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Other crazy people.
29) Would you wrestle pottyringer in jello? Uhh... no.
30) One thing you can't stand about pottyringer? Jude Law fangirling. But it's more of a light pet-pieve that "I can't stand that."
31) What is am1100's favorite color? No idea...
32) Have you ever dated am1100? No.
33) What song/movie would you recommend to serpentinian? Let's Go East/Liberation
34) Are benign_kat_su_j and saikotanuki going out? No.
35) Is taanya related to you? No.
36) What would benign_kat_su_j give s2toshiya for his/her birthday? Uhh... don't know.
37) What would pottyringer think of currypanman? Good man, good man.
38) Could you see zero_outlaw and niftypolkadots together? *Cough* Not really...
39) If currypanman and saikotanuki were spliced together, what would be its name? CurryTanuki
40) Has s2toshiya dyed their hair? Nah...
41) Is meistermetzger popular? Sure.
42) Where would currypanman most like to visit? Well he's been to Japan, like 50,000 times...
43) What animal does niftypolkadots remind you of? Cat
44) Where was zero_outlaw born? Gorlovka; Donetsk Region; Ukraine
45) Is benign_kat_su_j in a relationship? Not sure.
46) Did crash_blair break up with you? We were never together.
47) What planet should taanya be from? Mercury.
48) What is s2toshiya's favorite food? ???
49) Would currypanman go out with crash_blair? They're both taken.
50) One quality you find attractive in saikotanuki? Perseverance.
51) What color should am1100 dye their hair? Red.
52) What exotic animal would serpentinian like as a pet? Iguana.
53) Have you flirted with crash_blair? No.
54) Does niftypolkadots travel a lot? A fair amount.
55) Would niftypolkadots be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate.
56) niftypolkadots's eye color? Brown.
57) Is s2toshiya athletic? Umm... not really.
58) Does crash_blair know taanya? Yes.
59) Do you think am1100 is hot? She's cute.
60) What would you do if you found out s2toshiya has a crush on you? Hah. Right.
61) Would ostrichbefun and am1100 look good together? Hmm... maybe.
62) If s2toshiya had a superpower, what would it be? Slav-Radar
63) What is serpentinian's shoe size? 10
64) Would serpentinian and taanya make a good couple? There's a small chance... but I don't think...
65) Would you set up ostrichbefun and tati107? What do you say, guys?
66) Has tati107 been to your house/dorm? Nope.
67) If ostrichbefun and benign_kat_su_j were spliced together, what would it be like? Weird as hell.
68) Is taanya 1337? W0R|) |_|P j00!!!111
69) What is taanya allergic to? ???
70) How would zero_outlaw kill taanya? With a video camera! Dun dun dun!
71) What is zero_outlaw's biggest flaw? Self-doubt.
72) If pottyringer and zero_outlaw were siamese twins, where would they be joined? Legs.
73) Do you have a crush on pottyringer? No.
74) How long would currypanman dating crash_blair last? Couple of months...
75) How long have you known pottyringer? Three years.
76) Is meistermetzger single? Yeah, I think.
77) What word best describes am1100? Pedophile.
78) Is taanya dead sexy? She's attractive, yeah.
79) Is saikotanuki your best friend? A very good friend, or so I like to think.
80) Thoughts on crash_blair? Nice. Crazy.
81) How would currypanman conquer the world? With his sexiness.
82) Where was pottyringer born? I assume, China?
83) How many monkeys could ostrichbefun fight at once and win against? 2
84) Does taanya drink? Yea...
85) Which of your friends should pottyringer go out with? Chao AKA OstricchBeFun
86) What would saikotanuki do differently in your shoes? Do more work.
87) What do you agree with saikotanuki about? Writing.
88) When did you last call meistermetzger? We never talked on the phone. LoL
89) What languages does meistermetzger speak? English, German.
90) What video game does s2toshiya remind you of? Evergrace
91) am1100's hair color? Blonde
92) If taanya took over the world, who would be happy? EVERYONE!
93) Does meistermetzger smoke? Nah.
94) Is tati107 introverted or extroverted? Somewhere in between.
95) What rank would saikotanuki have in a giant robot army? Grand Mistress of Everything
96) What comic book character would tati107 be? Catwoman!
97) Does s2toshiya have a dog? Nah...
98) Is crash_blair friends with taanya? Not really... they know each other, though.
99) Is am1100 a nerd? Kinda.
100) What is niftypolkadots's favorite band/artist? Flogging Molly
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