Right, so, all the things you might wanna know before playing with the wolf.
Name: Fenrisúlfr
Alias: Fenrir, Fen
Age: ???
Height: 5'10" - Wolf form can shift from typical to monstrous depending on, well, his mood... and what he's eating
Weight: 158 lbs - Wolf form? er... hard ta say...
Medical Info: There's something that looks like a chunk of metal curved in the skin around the back of his neck - a remnant of Gleipnir.
Eyes: Red.
Hair: White.
Physical traits: A bit on the lanky side of the spectrum, he does however possess an astonishgly athletic body capable of... well, things regular humans wouldn't be. He wounds as easily as anyone else, but they don't quite give the same 'damage'.
Abilities: Shapeshift, either wolf or human, or sometimes stages in between, such as just transforming his hands into clawed, brutal weapons. His wolf form can range from 'regular' size to gargantuan, but the remnant of Gleipnir gives certain restrictions... He can speak in wolf form. That doesn't mean he always will, but he'd get a few laughs surprising those unsuspecting.
Notes for the Psychics: Fen doesn't usually let his mind wander too far from the here and now, least of all when dealing with other people, taking careful note of the situations at hand.
-Twisted sense of humor
Can I...
Insult: Feel free.
Attack: Definitely not the brightest idea, but be my guest.
Maim/Murder/Death: Some fore-warning might be nice, but maiming is totally go. You can try to murder/inflict death upon him, but fair warning, death to God-creature via human hands isn't gonna be very effective. In other words; try to god-mode and kill him, I will god-mode right back. Woof! >3
Physical Affection: Err... questionable. He's actually a touch susceptible to certain touches and rubs damn canine habits, but he's not exactly against biting anyones hand off, either. Do so at your own risk.
Mentionable IC: Despite an overall "bad" demeanor, he's actually a pretty patient guy who can tolerate quite a bit... Tread carefully though.
Music: Nothing in particular, though he's enjoyed some rock and classical music alike.
Television: Who the hell wants to sit around and do that?
Books: He'll drudge through them for information, but he's not exactly the sort to enjoy 'sitting around' too much.
Cooking: ...anything. Seriously. If it's edible [and sometimes maybe even if it's not] his teeth are on it. There is one food in particular that gets him mewling like a kitten...
Hobbies: Does maiming/eating things count? No? Er... Screwing Odin? Hahaha, nooo. Helping Loki is probably the closest to a hobby he's got.
Family: Loki (father), Angrboða (mother), Hel (sister), Jormungandr (brother), Nari & Narfi (half-brothers), Slepnir (half-brother), any other multitude of offspring Loki may have sired.
Friends: PFFFF.
Acquaintances: Naoya Kunogi
Enemies: Odin, Odin, Odin, Odin, Odin, Odin, Odin.
Romantic Interest: ....................