
Sep 15, 2007 00:03

Its almost as if I live a dual life. Seriously. With my family (Aunts and such, not like. direct sister and parent family) I've been the antisocial computer nerd since I learned to talk and they refuse to let go of it. With friends and my immediate family I'm one of the most chill, funny, and outgoing (I would like to think) and I'm very talkative and I talk about anything to anyone.

Well. Tonight, I was going to have dinner with a friend, but her sister ended up going into labor, so she (understandably) had to bail. I was bummed, but I was already in the city. So I called my sister and was all "what are you doing tonight?" and she was all "The British people are coming by for drinks". So long story short, we end up at a bar and i'm nursing a coke attempting to talk to the cousins that are my age (two girls. One my age, one four years older). I tried to talk about anything I knew about British culture (Chavs, British chocolate, food, etc) and talk about Boston, and they would be all "Yeah we have chavs...." and then say nothing.

I talked to their parents and it was ok, but for the most part the generations were parted. I mean yeah maybe the British aren't that social, and that's ok, but I couldn't even talk to my aunt and uncle who live half an hour away. I admit sometimes I'm terrible at telling stories, but I can't even talk to them about anything. They'll listen, mind you and make noncommittal noises, but actually talk with me about something? Nothing. I can't have any kind of useful conversation, the way I talk to my sister about music or my mom about life. Even things I know for a fact they're into like futbol or travelling they just don't want to discuss with me.

I guess I should try to be nicer to them, but its fuckin' irritating when I'm all "We're playing a show near you and one of the kids in the bands we're playing with knows Marco" and they're like "that's nice". They've never asked me what kind of music my band plays or even what I'm playing. Oh well. I think i'm being an oversensative twat.

sleep. gotta wake up in 5 hours.
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