Long Weekend

May 29, 2006 00:42

Hey world. Tis I once again. It has been a few days since I've done a blog, or journal or whatever you want to call it. Life has been good for the most part. The weekend has been going well. Sunday was a pretty good Lord's day, even though it started out rough. Everyone was going to go with me to Church, but my brother and Keegan got sick on some KFC that we ate last night. And Chris basically just slept in. Ok vent time, you know what really aggravates me is the excuses, oh I'm tired. That is no excuse!! I'm tired every single Sunday because I personally hate waking up in the mornings, but I do on Sundays and even though I'm tired, that's ok, because I get to come into the house of the Lord. And that just recharges my batteries, even if my physical is all sleepy. People in general need to stop useing that excuse to not go to church get their lazy butts out of bed and into the pews!! I mean it's the least we can do after all God has done for us!!!

Anyways, after church I went out to eat with the family, which was good. On the way there I got a call from Michael in Colorado. It was nice hearing from him. I am much over due for a Colorado trip, it's been a few years actually. Perhaps toward the end of the year maby. After lunch I went straight home and took my usual sunday nap. Woke up and headed over to the guest house to see what everyone was doing. Everyone was down at the dock fishing. We had started fishing the other day. We didn't think we'd actually catch anything being that the arroyo is so polutied. But Sunday evening we actually caught a few fish. Mostly hard heads, but to our amazement we actually caught a redfish, some sort of bass, and a croaker. Anyways, we were just doing it for fun. You couldn't pay me to eat anything out of that toxic river. But it's sure fun to catch them little boogers!

Today we will do the traditional BBQ. Hamburger and hotdogs. The boys are getting up at 5 am to go fishing. Gee it's funny how they can get their butts out of bed to go fishing but not to honor GOD!!! Whatever! I'm sleeping in. I'll join them whenever I get up. I think we are having the BBQ by the pool side so that'll be fun swimming!

Well anywho, I hope everyone is having a great long weekend! I guess that's enough of me rambling. God bless and write more later!
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