Nov 15, 2008 16:54
It's not going to do any good, it's not going to result in any miraculous change of MO, but it was successful in the venting department. Not my best work, but I have an asstonne of stuff on deck that needs tending to, and wasn't able to concoct one of my better offerings--and it couldn't wait, either.
Dear Senator Feingold,
Let me preface this with that I have the highest degree of respect for you and your integrity makes me proud of WI politics.
However, I have to express my intense anger and disdain regarding the bailout. While at first I was not against it, the news of late has my blood boiling.
How is it, that all of you (collective D.C. 'you') voted for this without any restrictions? An insane amount of money just handed over to people that have proven to be irresponsible at best, and criminal at worst--but is the reality: criminal.
Twice since getting this unthinkable sum of money, they've gone to elite spas for $400 massages and $500 bottles of wine. They're still getting paid and paying out dividends to their stockholders, AND not conducting business with that money like they're supposed to. I can't afford to have dinner down the street at the Chinese Buffet for $20, and this money, for these criminals is coming out of my taxes. Are you people in DC trying to create a mass revolt? A good old fashioned revolution?
Why haven't their accounts been seized? Subpoenas for overseas account delivered?
This is reprehensible.
Next on deck is another group of people that are irresponsible and get handouts time and time again--(if you want to do that, then reduce pork barrel spending and use that money.) The auto makers need money--then they should partner with the oil companies who have more than enough and are kept in business by the auto makers in the first place.
Why haven't we heard from Congress the voice(s) of action and accountability?
Seize AIG's accounts and send the auto makers to Big Oil for their needed cash. Easy. Keep the politics out of it, practice that bi-partisan hooey we keep hearing about, and fix it. The rest of us can't afford a gallon of milk, but you want us to pay for this.
In closing, I beg of you two things:
1.) DO SOMETHING, you have the power, use it for the love of god.
2.) Do not, I repeat do not send me a canned political peewee stump speech-style response. Do not insult my intelligence, I am not a low information voter.
Is America really the best country in the world? Really? Yeah, if you're rich.
Sincerely--with much respect Sen. Fiengold, and huge amounts of anger,
Jennifer Koplitz
Green Bay WI