*gnashes teeth*

Oct 28, 2008 22:04

This is why I don't watch local news or regular network news:
For some reason the local news is on now, the newscaster just stated that the WI attorney general is dispatching X amount of people to the polls to make sure that the election rules are followed. The persons to be dispatched were supposedly schooled in election laws.

Fine, right? Sounds good, right?

Well, if you had the background of the story with this attorney general, and his very recent antics, you'd be spitting mad at that newscaster's story--for lacking key details that gave it a different flavor altogether. The AG tried to get 214,000 new registrants verified through the various data bases, which has proven highly flawed and in some cases illegal. He is the WI poobah of the McCain campaign and is trying to employ a voter repression stunt---one that is thinly veiled as a progressive solution for voter fraud.

People talk smack about cable news? They're idiots and wish to live like lemmings masquerading as ostriches.

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