Bush, the War, 9/11...a lot of unspoken rage.

Nov 14, 2007 01:58

Jaysis christ on a crutch driven chariot. What will it take to get peoples attention, to show that Bush is a fucking asshole and needs to be taken out back and SHOT in the fucking head. I don't post much and most people aren't aware i pay attention to politics. Granted this has been said and done numerous times, we have a done of anti-Bush people out there, and even more people out there rallying to bring our troops home. I do believe that our screwed up government WILL be bringing back some of them soon, but the damage is done. Hidden costs of the war on terror are now in the trillions, and we're having problems with our economy because of it. Hell, the lost wages and care for veterans will be another billion or so. yay Bush?

I suppose everyone is wondering why i'm posting this little rant now, rather then a while ago. I haven't had any real way to express it until this tidbit came along, it -really- struck a chord in me. Yes i fail at posting links. TO BAD!

image Click to view

this video screams at me, and in an interesting way. Kids, youngins, short-hoggers (ask), children for christs sake. i was once told things are best seen thru the eyes of a child, i think the person who said that was right.
i think it'll actually make people think, after all we have a bunch of kids in the office running our country don't we?

I'm an army brat. my father served in the army and has seen his share of grief, on the rare occasion he'll sit down and talk with me about what he's seen and thru him i have a rough idea of what its like. I also have a cousin out there in Iraq, granted he's little prick but he deserves to come home safe. So does EVERYBODY out there. BRING OUR TROOPS HOME DAMMIT!
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