South Park

Dec 03, 2013 23:36

South Park is an interesting target for evaluation as none of the main characters are female.  There are a lot of female secondary characters, the mothers, sisters, and friends of the four main boys and the male secondaries.  While female hormonal rage was often played up for laughs in the early seasons, as the show matured so did the depth of the entire cast.  I'm pretty sure that one could take practically any aspect of female character and find it represented in the cast of south park.  As in so many other cartoons, the female characters are often the voice of reason to whatever madcap zaniness is going on.

Some of the more significant female characters are the mothers of the main boys, and the girls in their class, such as Stan's girlfriend Wendy Testerburger.  There is likely no one who would be looking to South Park for strong feminist ideals and messaging, however there is an interest scope of females presented in the show.  This scope ranges from the walking Jewish mother stereotype of Sheila Brovlofsky to the normally rational and realistic Sharon Marsh.  For the most part many of the women and girls presented in the show are fairly realistic given the unrealistic situations that often develop. 


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