I really need to check out my horoscope for the month and see if I have like a good family week or something because this week has been great as far as family goes. If anyone's into that, I'm an Aquarius.
It's snowing like shit in VA, and will continue to for the rest of the week. SPLENDID BECAUSE I GET TO DRIVE 14 HRS ON SATURDAY ALREADY ALL I NEED IS SNOW DELAYING IT.
1. First Name?
2. Were you named after anyone?
Nope, even tho Molly Ringwald was pretty much at the height of her game around the time i was born.
3. Do you wish on stars?
All the time... idk why?
4. When did you last cry?
New Years Eve.
5. Do you like your handwriting?
Eh, it's whatever.
6. What is your favorite lunch meat?
Yuck... I'd have to go with ham?
7. What is your birth date?
8. What is your most embarrassing CD?
LOL I just threw away a ton of old ones, but I kept the Macarena in 5 styles CD.
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
I'd like to think so?
10. Are you a daredevil?
Completely. You only live once!
12. Do looks matter?
Um, immediate attraction is nice, but personality is so much more.
13. How do you release anger?
Music and screaming.
14. Where is your second home?
Virginia? And I basically go to FSU so...
15. Do you trust others easily?
Try to, but sometimes it's hard.
16. What was your favorite toy as a child?
My f'ing vacuum cleaner was the shit.
17. Which class in high school do you think was totally stupid?
hhh Math, Chem, Physics
18. Do you have a journal?
A durrrr
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Does Raggedy Ann have cloth knockers?
22. What are your nicknames?
Molly Holly, Monizzle, Mollz, M-TAT, Tolly Melfer (gross)
23. Would you bungee jump?
Most definitely.
24. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
I hardly wear shoes with ties.
25. Do you think that you are strong?
Yes... physically and emotionally.
26. What is your favorite ice cream flavor, coffee or vanilla?
Coffee? wtf?
28. Shoe Size?
29. Red or pink?
30. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
My appearance and my procrastination habits.
31. Who do you miss most?
My brother in Greece and all my friends at school.
32. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back?
33. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
AE Jeans and Black Uggs.
34. What are you listening to right now?
Fucking Joan Rivers babble.
35. Last thing you ate?
Lo Mein...mmmm
36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Red Glitter! or just red, i don't mind.
37. What is the weather like right now?
Nice! It's like warmed up to 60.
38. Last person you talked to on the phone?
39. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Height and hair.
40. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Well, Jane posted it and she's not pretty, but she has cute clothes. LOLLLLL <3
41. What is your ethnicity?
White in front, Black in the back pffffffffff
42. Favorite Drink?
Water, Sweet Tea, coffee, diet coke, Cosmopolitans.
43. Favorite Sport?
To watch- Baseball (GO SOX) To play- Swimming or Volleyball
44. Hair Color?
Now there's a question, now it's reddish brown with highlights.
45. Eye Color?
46. Do you wear contacts?
Yah. I'm blind as hell.
47. Are you single?
Story of my life.
48. Favorite Food?
Chicken enchiladas.... basically anything chicken.
49. Last Movie You Watched?
In Good Company and it really blew ass.
50. Favorite Day Of The Year?
New Years and St.Patty's Day!
51. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings?
52. Summer Or Winter?
Fall, sorry.
53. Hugs OR Kisses?
Depends on who's recieving.
55. What Is Your Favorite Dessert?
Creme Brulee and Chocolate Covered Strawberries GOD LOVE EM.
56. Who Is Most Likely To Respond?
Like comment? Um prob Mer or Dasher because they're my bitches. JAYKAY
57. Who Is Least Likely To Respond?
Brittany because she has a LJ for the same reason she has a cell phone, no one knows?
59. What Books Are You Reading for class.
Ummm looks like I'm gonna be reading Frankenstein for English amongst others.
60. What's On Your Mouse Pad?
Dell... it's ghetto.
62. What Did You Watch Last night on TV?
Nada.. went to bed.
63. Favorite Smells?
Citrus, Gas, Sharpie, Paint, Lavender, ginger
64. Favorite Sounds?
Music? wtf?
65. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
66. What's the furthest you've been from home?
Tahiti or Europe.
67. If you could send a message to the world what would it be?
Calm the f down and have a drink or some shit. Also, on a more serious note, help those in the tsunami becuase they have suffered more than any of us could ever fathom. The least we can do is show some compassion.