Jun 15, 2008 16:08
So I have been away for the past few weeks and so have got all out of order on the Doctor Who front.
In general I like the Steve Moffet episodes. They were standard SM stuff and had the usual will he/won't he, will she/is she story lines.
To be frank not really that fussed about the River Song story line, I would like to know why she knew his name and why that made the Doctor so sad. I do think that River Song makes it even more clear to me that the Doctor and Rose do not have a happy ending, at least Rose and THE Doctor don't. Mostly for these reasons. When DT decides to leave Dr Who I think that they will replace him, River knew the Doctor as the man that he is now, namely DT. If Rose and the Doctor have a happy ending it has to be a quick one and then she has to die, or we have to see her grow old and die while the Doctor stays young. If that is the case we are asked to believe that the Doctor spends Roses life with her then quick as a flash gets over it, meets River has a "lovely" life with her all the while knowing that she is going to Die to and then Regenerates.
I don't think so.............. So if that's not the case then the Doctor either on or off screen has to get over Rose, have a fling and then regenerate!
Who knows, who even knows if I am making sense!
doctor who