Dec 01, 2004 20:50
WOW! ok my life these past two weeks havent been great i must say. However, today turned out to be pretty good! Alex Childers ( I LOVE YOU!!) and i decided to pop up at the boy scout tree lot thingy.. jon was WAY suprised! hee hee.. we had jamba juice... and now we're nathaniel;s jamba bajuices... long story. ANYWAYS it was FUUURREEEZZZING... lol but it was so worth it! alex and i got to talk ( not alot alex kim, alex childers) we had alot of laughs! i looked like a bum in my superhero evil person jumpsuit and aleeex's scarf (which i have and i'll give it to u tomorrow) wow ok too many alex's.. ok alex childers will be aleeex, because i call her that sometimes. So we had tons of fun! haha she was checkin out some butts... hee hee.. BOY SCOUTS ARE DIIIRRRTTTYYYY hee hee.. and SAPPY! it was very fun. The mean guy turned out to be really nice to us in the end. And there was santa claus.. i was so afraid! i was shivering.. but that may have been from the cold! I saw alex's mommy! aleeex and i were laughing and she turns around and said "i thought i recognized that laugh" we weren't sure which laugh she was talking about... and the fact that she recognized one of our laughs is kinda scary? i duno, but she's really nice... even though she has 4 guns... thats scary.. but shes not scary. make sense? lol so i like alex's mommy.. but shhh! oh man my foot no entire leg is asleep! ah! oh yeah mike smith had coffee! it was soo warm in our ice cold already numb hands! it was miso with a touch of vanilla! yumm! from starbucks of course! hmm.. what else? we were carolers... it was fun.. i didnt know the words at all! but it was fun. oh man it was cold though. next time we're going in LAYERS, lots of them! aleeex told me something really sweet about alex and i :-D i love you aleeex! of course i love alex too. oh man so much to talk about.. but my internet is out.. hense the reason i have not been on! ok i must go!
how do u say good bye in french? i forgot.. i'll ask alex :-)
so yes my nite was probably the best ever out of the past two weeks ( not including last tues and wed. cuz i hung with alex so that was good :-) )
p.s. oh man i txted dan tonite... and now we're txting