i'm sorry i can't be perfect

May 13, 2005 20:05

wow a lot has happened since i last updated. on saturday, at riding lessons, i got bucked off by nakoma. i probably would've managed to stay on, except that it happened right after i'd mounted, and i didn't have my right stirrup. that made it really hard to balance, and since i wasn't able to even stay balanced, i don't know how bev expected me to "pull back" and make him stop. my back/hips/legs/shoulders still hurt, though not nearly as much as they did on sunday. i ended up riding safari, and lisa rode nakoma. it didn't really hurt that much to ride at first, but when i started cantering, it was like someone was stabbing my lower back every time i went forward, so i had a v. boring lesson.

during the lesson, bev and gail decided that we'd ride wednesday nights at 6:30 until school is out, b/c we've got clinics on saturday mornings. this pissed me off, b/c 1) i didn't have any input, and 2) i didn't/don't want to miss LOST! this is the smoking gun as to why i shouldn't keep riding: i'm starting to care more about a TV show than about riding. either that or i'm way over-obsessed.

i got v. pissed at my mom saturday night. during supper, i had to get something out of the cupboard, but i had to lean down, which hurt, so i had to try a funny-looking kneel. my mom made a comment along the lines of, oh, it's not that bad. which pissed me off enough, but i was too busy trying to stand up to bother replying. but then later she starts complaining about her back and says something about lifting some "pretty heavy tubs" at work. i just looked at her and had a mental "WTF? 'pretty heavy tubs'?? oo, yeah, that hurts, you're right, how dare i seem to be in pain after only falling off a horse when you were lifting some pretty heavy tubs!!"

anywy, on sunday, mother's day, me and mine mommy dearest went shopping in madison. it was hell. i'd been sore on saturday, of course, but for some reason i was even worse on sunday. and since i apparently needed a billion and a half new pairs of capris, i spent at least twenty minutes trying stuff on b/c i had to bend my leg back at the knee to get pants on w/out it hurting too much.

later we met papa and taylar for supper at an italian restaurant whose name escapes me. it was pretty good food. they had really good bread and garlic-y olive oil dipping sauce. tres magnifique.

let's see.... monday... nothing happened as far as i remember. tuesday... school, and that night had swing choir practice. oh, yeah, tuesday/wednesday was a lot of drama w/ swing choir and me and amanda hating powers, but hey, wuts new.

wednesday night had riding lessons, which was so weird. i also wasn't really in a riding mood, especially since the weather was crappy. so, just guess who's lil sister rides on wed. nights? becky's! and becky was there, too, just watching, i guess. talk about weird. there were too many people riding. we also started late and ran way late. me and papa were NOT happy.

still haven't gotten to watch LOST.

thursday night was the concert. overall we rocked. personally, i made too many mistakes, but i was also in pain and a lil distracted by how close i was to the edge of the riser (inch and a half).

today we were supposed to find out who the drum majors for next year are. however shaver's stupid. let me explain: marion suddenly wants to try for drum major and so he's going to let her try out. also, ashley only got to direct once, so he's giving her the chance to go again. but on the marion thing: WTF the auditions were last week! she didn't try then and suddenly wants to now? too bad, you missed your chance! gRRR.

well, i think that's about it. i'm sure i had more important things to say besides just what's happened, but i'm v. tired and i've been typing this for almost two hours already.

Peace and love,

stress, lost, horses, family, work, angry

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