so, wow, I just realized it's been like ten days since I've updated. Um, not too much to say (that's a lie), and I'm kind of busy atm anyway (that is true) and honestly I should've been in bed an hour ago (that's very true). So anyway.
I'm in the midst of revamping and updating my LiveJournal and such. Got my user info updated. It's simplified now. *yawns* really need to go to bed.
I've also been all over the Internet today, especially on LJ and YouTube. I am officially a massive Robert Downey Jr fan. :D (I saw Sherlock Holmes for the second time on New Year's Eve with Christine.) So did you know he sings??? Because he does! He has a fucking album out, for chrissake! So I was all over that on YouTube, and then I got sucked into watching him when he was on Ally McBeal.... anyway. So, fangirling.
Catching up on my flist, especially
ontd_political. I also was all over
ohnotheydidnt and I finally gave in and joined. Been trying to post something about how some lady who has control over the U.S. copyright of the books/stories is threatening to not give permission for a sequel because there's a small chance that it would hint at some hanky-panky between Holmes and Watson (my words, not hers). Except for the part where, if she's seen the one in theaters now, she would know that's already heavily hinted at. OK, not hanky-panky exactly, but some serious UST.
Yes, my new OTPs, which I have latched onto over break: Holmes/Watson (as portrayed by Downey and Law) and Crowley/Aziraphale (from Good Omens, one of my new favorite books, by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett).
Alright. Hopefully this post will work. I'm working on getting some new icons up and a new layout/background (Sherlock Holmes-ified, na klar), but really I should go to bed and work on that stuff tomorrow.
Peace and love,