cold, cold heart

Dec 04, 2008 21:32

I need a new layout. The one I've got now I've had for ages. I want one that's Christmas-y, but don't have the drive to make a new banner and all that. I suppose I'll go with a pre-made one.

Ugh, what I really want is a permanent account. How awesome would that be? And a perm account for my icon journal, too. I just have way too many icons that I love and want to be able to use all the time!

It's so cold, and I'm almost ready to complain without feeling guilty. I know that it will get colder than this still, but we've been getting closer and closer to the zero degree mark. That's when I can really complain. Today I was wearing two pairs of socks, leggings under my jeans, a short-sleeve tee, a zip up shirt jacket thing, my winter coat, gloves and mittens, a hat, and my huge-ass boots. I was pretty good. But now that I'm just sitting in my room - with the lights all low to better show off the Christmas lights - I'm chilly.

So, this is a really pointless post, so I'm going to shut up now.


public entry, random, undeserving of a tag, livejournal

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