Apr 01, 2004 17:28
Can't wait to watch more of that tomorrow. Wish we didn't have to play, could just watch it. We'd probably finish it.
So, today was English exam and Comp App exam. They were both so easy! My Hyperstudio dealy is almost finished. Today I was looking up pictures to use on it, and, well, see, it's on Tolkien...so I was doing Google Image Searches for like "hobbit" and "lord of the rings" and stuff...Yeah, had to excersise (sp?) some major self-control not to start squealing when all these pictures of Lij, Orli, Billy, Dom, etc. etc. started coming up! Lol. Ya know, I posted a thing on TolkienMovies.com forum, asking for sites to find out about Tolkien, and no one replied. *tear* Stupid gits. Mwahaha.
Now, about "Mwahaha." I've also seen it spelled "Muahaha" and I've also seen "Buahaha" and "Bwahaha." And I've been trying to decide if I'll stick with "Mwahaha" or switch to a dif one...WOW I'M BORED, CAN YOU TELL?
I went onto some "entertainment" site, and was looking for stuff about POTC...well, see, it's got this cool thing with like quotes from whatever movie you're looking up. Well, not all of them were really quotes, per se...but it works, ya know? Lol. Lemme show ya. Oh, here we go, "Memorable Quotes".
Mr. Gibbs: Then, on the fourth day, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed 'em together and made a raft.
Will Turner: He roped himself a couple of sea turtles.
Mr. Gibbs: Aye. Sea turtles.
Will Turner: What did he use for rope?
Jack Sparrow: [from beside them] Human hair.
Jack Sparrow: From my back.
Jacoby: I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain.
Elizabeth: You like pain?
[hits pirate in the head with a pole]
Elizabeth: Try wearing a corset.
Barbossa: You best start believing in ghost stories Miss Turner. You're in one.
Jack Sparrow: You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?
Elizabeth: Whose side is Jack on?
Will Turner: At the moment?
Jack Sparrow: One question about your business, boy, or there's no use going: This girl... how far are you willing to go to save her?
Will Turner: I'd die for her.
Jack Sparrow: Oh good. No worries then.
Mwahaha. Well, that's all for now, I guess. I'm getting tired of copying and pasting. Mwahaha.
Oh, yeah, I'm starting a countdown, too! Not gonna be here v. long, but w/e.
Peace and love,
The blade glows blue when Your Mom is close. And it's times like that when you have to be extra careful.
lord of the rings