hello spunky tresses !

Sep 13, 2003 00:44

i finally cut my hair on wednesday. finally . everyone seems to like it, so i feel less insecure now about having hair that doesn't go past my shoulders. i was so afraid that i'd look like i did in my nanyang days when short hair was a rule and bad hair was the norm. god bless gordon and his miracle hands. god bless dear chaz for getting tired of hearing me whine about wanting to cut my hair yet not having the guts to do it, and deciding to drag me off my cowardly butt to Reds to do something .

went to watch "Pirates of the Carribbean". johnny depp was entirely yummy and the sexiest moronic character i've ever seen. for the benefit of a particular somebody, i mean onscreen character. heh.

the only downside to an overall preppy thursday was that the sugar-rush wore out the minute i got home and i fell right asleep, neither studying for my stupid complementary medicine and health test on monday nor preparing for my public admin essay due next week. argh.

am staying over at idiavalo's place tonight cos there's auntie mary's famous popiah party here tomorrow ! ultimate yumminess.
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