Net Nuetrality and Gay Marriage

Jun 06, 2006 00:02

Anyone know what Net Neutrality is? If you don't, look it up. Don't listen to the bullshit commercial on TV. One of these bullshit ads urging people to vote against Net Neutrality claims that people like Google are "trying to make consumers pay for the next generation of internet." Well fucking duh. Who the fuck else is gonna pay it? Corporations sell you shit and make a profit. They use their profit to reinvest and invent new shit that they can sell and make more profit off of. That's how this shit works. If people like AT&T start charging Google to send info to AT&T's customers then Google will have to find SOME way to pass on the cost. So who pays that cost? CONSUMERS.

Net Neutrality, for anyone who doesn't know, is the idea that ISP's and bandwidth providers shouldn't be allowed to decide what content they'll let through and what content they won't. For example, if you get service through AT&T they may decide that unless Google pays them a penny for every MB sent down AT&T's pipes they'll throttle the speed down to 10KBps or less. Another example, if YouTube doesn't pay AT&T to use their pipes, they could choose to throttle all video downloads down to 10KBps or less. The reason why the term has "neutrality" in it is because people like Google, YouTube, and so on, think it's wrong to be biased about what sort of content flows down AT&T's pipes.

In fact, the fight against Net Neutrality is entirely about making people like AT&T MORE MONEY. Shocking, I know. AT&T has decided that it's not enough for a consumer to pay for broadband. That's only getting money at one end. If they charge the consumer to use the pipe and then charge the content supplier too (Google) they'll be getting paid twice for the same thing! How fucking awesome is that?! Nevermind that it could lead to virtual censorship of the net if, for example, AT&T decides it doesn't like say... a pro-choice website... they could decide to drop all packets crossing their pipes to or from that website. Poof. There goes that website. For AT&T customers, at least, and anyone else who uses AT&T's pipes.

So don't listen to the bullshit. Google isn't asking you to pay for SHIT. They're just asking to be protected against AT&T charging them money just so YOU can get to their site.

As for gay marriage... seriously, who gives a damn? How is it gonna hurt anyone's family to let two guys call each other husband and... uh, husband or wife, I guess, depends on the guys. Or to let two women call each other their "life partners" or whatever the hell else. How does that ruin society somehow? How is it anyone's business what two guys do in the privacy of their own home? They're not gonna fondle your children or make you watch them cornhole each other. Your little kid isn't gonna walk into a bathroom and see a dude railing another one in the bathroom. They have a sense of decency just like anyone else. (Which means it may actually happen, I guess, since straight couples do it, but oh well.) Your child isn't gonna be disturbed by two guys (or girls, wooh! girls!) fucking unless you MAKE THEM disturbed by it. So stop throwing a fit! It's no one's business who a guy or gal chooses to screw around with or call whatever they wanna call 'em. If a chick in India can marry a fucking snake, then a dude can marry a dude. Get over it.
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