Jan 29, 2009 14:32
For beings long to free themselves from misery,
But misery itself they follow and pursue.
They long for joy, but in their ignorance
Destroy it, asthey would their foe. - The Way of The Bodhisattva
That's one of the most true statements I've ever read. I've been reading The Way of the Bodhisattva for a while now, every time I have a spare moment in class or so, and a lot of things are really striking home. I suppose I'm a humanist in some regards, but not into the whole secular humanism thing. We talked about theology again today in History and once again mentioned in Protestant religions that it isn't necessary to be baptized. This really confuses me, because all my parents have ever told me is that it was a requirment to be saved. I dunno...I'm terribly confused about it. I haven't been, though, and I don't know if I'm ready to be. It isn't that I don't believe in God and Jesus, cus I do, it's just that I don't really care to go to church and I'd feel strange going just to get baptized. Seems kinda wrong.
Anyway, I checked back in with the financial aid office today and I'm going to be interviewed for a job working at one of the elementary schools' library with the literacy program. Pays $7/hour and I'd get a monthly check. Best part, though, is it won't count against any of my grant money cus it's work-study! I'd be working with small children, but I don't think I'll freak out too much with this since it'd just be helping them do accelerated reading tests and reading to/with them. I suppose things really are going to turn for the better.
way of the bodhisattva