I got lovely mates/4 days/10 days

Oct 10, 2005 17:49

Well im just about to leave work and I must say thank you to my lovely recent i.e. of 3 months or so. for being cool and listen to me when im low and being such fun when we are out and about. :o)

Its 4 days to go and it will be a pleasure to meet up with you guys again and dance my sodding ass off!

Even better 10 days to go til its that time of the Month again where we can meet again on 3rd Friday for that lovely place called heaven (to me anyway) i.e. SC!!! Love ya SC you rock!.

Ok its chucking out time so i'm gonna say bye bye and see you in 4/10 days time ppl.

*waves* at Bodders, Seifer, Libby and everyone else.
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