Oct 27, 2003 16:41
always contemplating something, but at least it isn't suicide...anyway, back to the point, and I'm sure there is one, especially considering the title of this dumb-ass thing: no matter how hard you try to escape or forget or just leave behind your past, it's still there. Now, that's not necessarily a bad thing I'm discovering, as I get older. Quite the contrary in most cases. See, most people remember all the trauma and hurt and dumb shit they've done in their lives and think that their past is this big drama that they were the shakespearean tragic hero in. I dunno...I think it's easier to remember the hurts and the hardships, and not the good things that've happened. And lemme go on the record as saying my past was as fucked up if not moreso fucked up then most people's. But there were a lotta bright spots too; in fact, I think the good mostly has outweighed the bad, and more often then not, I remember the good over the bad. But I digress, the past isn't really what this is all about. What it's all about is how I was touched by my past recently and how it made me remember a very good time of my life, despite how shitty I might have thought it was then. It made me remember Oregon (tolerant Oregon for you Dead Kennedys fans out there) and how much I really did enjoy living up there. And it reminded me of how many great friends I did make up there, and how much they all really mean to me (not meant, that would mean they no longer matter). So I know I always say your past is your past, and yeah, I still think that's true, but the people of your past, those you touch and that touch you, well...let's just say don't lose touch. Too many times, friends walk into and out of your little territorial bubble, and too many times we let them leave, for whatever reason. I dunno...that bothers me now, moreso than it did yesterday, and even yesterday, I knew that it was a problem. So, if you're an old friend or even an old ex, and you happen upon this little gem of brightness in the sea of melodrama in lj, I hope that this is pondered: I may not have said it when we hung out, but you have and still do matter to me. I hope life has treated you well, and will continue to do so. Now, I'm off to write angry bitter sad poetry about all the wrongs committed against me in my past...keep fighting the good fight, and don't let the man get ya' down.