Nov 16, 2003 15:08
i was just reading an e-mail that nick sent me about child abuse
and it reminded me of the story i heard last night from megan before we got on BART.
(it is not a problem that i am writing this becoz none of the people who i see on a daily basis even know i have a livejournal, so its not like they'll read it anyways)
megan's mom has been married 3 times. which i did not know.
her current step-dad mentally not stable. which i also didn't know.
megan's current step-dad beat her when she was a kid b/c he was sad about his dad dying.
wtf wtf wtf.
i seriously didn;t knwo wot to do when she told me this. i know she wasn;t lying cos she has enough sense to not lie about that kidna stuff
(unlike cayte who tell the word she tryed to commit suicide by taking 12 advil. i took 20 to try and increase a high about 1 year ago and nothing happened.)
why the fuck is megan's mom still w/ this bloke. he beat her child with a belt and she stayed with him?
wtf wtf wtf?
i dont get people.
some human being are now officially more dumb than sheep.