Apr 13, 2006 21:42
Hi guys. I'm glad some/most/all/just Rachel are back from the various part sof the world that yous guys were at.
I'm havin an alrite break. I slept sooo much over the last few days and I think its really doin something good for me.
Our joo seders have been awesome, and I will kill anyone of you ho even mentions the word "bread" around me. Also, Rachel, I am forcing you to not eat bread for the whole lime because I want you to stick it out like the rest of us. :D
I talked to my friend Carly, hoo was on the Joo Boat and goes to the same skool as Alex does. Talking to her really made me think about some stuff and helped me. I think I might actuually do something to be in a relationshp w/ her, or atleast tell how I feel. But I got 2 weeks to think about cause unless something awesome happens, that will be the next time I get to see her.i
Wow, I did no hw... I should probably start it.
Or not.