Nov 11, 2006 04:57
so i woke up this morning and my alarm beeped 12 times before i turned it off instead of 10 like normal so i knew by tonight id want to hang myself by my shoelaces
hung out with the local azn and just realized how unsmart and unninja i am. i dont even know why i try sometimes.
went to a basketball game and couldnt keep my mind on it...too weighed down by the pressures that nobody in my life seems to understand or even try to
pwned some noobs...that was fun. yeah, for 30 seconds. it just gets old and its not even a challenge anymore. i resort to taunting to torment my fellow man and i find enjoyment in this-im seriously fucked up. question of the day: how can one kill that which has no life? well they couldn't kill me, thus i must not truly be alive, thus i might as well just tie my hands and feet with this mouse and keyboard and grab this tower and jump into a pool and hold onto it all the way down.
i hope i drown on my z's tonight. good night L.J., youre the only one that really gets me
many simple things
what do i do right tonight
nothing. except die
(by my friend Chris)