May 04, 2016 12:29
Let's just get that out there ok?
If you happen to take the risk and peruse my older LJ entries you are doing so at your own risk.
I take no responsibility in the eye-rolling marathon that will most likely ensue.
And yes, as you can see, I still prefer the dialogue format for my posts.
Obviously because I like talking to myself, duhhhh. L7 weenie here!
So yeaaaah. I'm so glad that this idea popped into my head.
I was sitting there idly scrolling through my Facebook app for like the 3rd time already this morning and was like "what in the actual fuck am I doing??".
Why do I sit here and scroll,then close, then open and scroll 5 minutes later for NOTHING?
Nobody posts about their lives anymore and if they do it's some politically correct fake shit to keep up social media appearances.
When i'm on LJ I feel like the people who follow are the people who WANT to know how i'm doing.
It's not a thing out of passing boredom or a random click for prying eyes.
It's real people, talking about their everyday real shit and I miss it.
I don't even know if anyone will keep up with this after a week but it's worth a try!
I also miss the eloquence of dictating my full thoughts.
I used to be soo in love with the written word but then adulthood happened and I lost the joy it used to bring me.
Hopefully, this will serve as an exercise to at least get me back into the writing habit.
I have to get my ass to work now but i'll be back later.
Definitely need to re-code this whole journal because I hate their L2 update presets.
This is gonna be interesting!