It started off well enough however when work came aroound things started to go down hill.
Incident one - Arrogance and stupidity
A gentlemen wanting to buy a computer rang up with very limited computer experience, which is fine, thats part of my job trying to help people learn about the technology. He used to work in a largish institution in which all the computers were setup for him already and he did some general typing and accessed the internet, however he hadn't really used a computer other than that. He had previously been chatting to the sales people at another store and he was constantly ranting to me about how they were unable to explain the concepts behind computing to him and the information he did get were unintelligible specs.
Again this is not unreasonable. I had been extremely patient with him, never once interrupted or raised my voice or talked down to him. I explained in the nicest and simplest terms possible that printing invoices would be achievable on our most inexpensive systems.
He also had some sort of camera security system that could burn cds and had some sort of screen connection. Though I asked very nicely a few times he was unable to explain either a) what exactly he wanted to achieve with that screen connection or b) what exactly the type of connection it was.
He then proceeded to blast me, he felt "Its like me heading to a car dealership and getting a quote for several cars one a Ferarri, one a basic sedan and another a tractor. None of it is useful to me" and hung up on me.
Well, here is a general response to all the computer stupid and ignorant people out there.
You do not go to a car dealership and say things like: "I've driven a dodgem car around a bit, but I've never really owned my own car, what should I buy?, na, this alloy, manual, cd stuff is confusing me, the last car I had just worked. Why are there three pedals? whats this gear stuff, two hours is too long to get to Launceston I want you to fix it so I can get there in 20 minutes, what? you cant? you obviously have no idea what you're talking about"
I am extremely patient and unlike a car company I will happily explain those basic concepts. I think you will find that attitude rather unique and rare in many industries.
No other industry would tolerate that level of stupidity and ignorance, particularly if the person had the same poor attitude to the information they were getting.
You do not buy a car without at the very least some knowledge of how to drive one and how they work, perhaps if you're to stupid to understand the most fundermental concepts of computing you should a) consider the person on the other end has years of experience and really does know what he's talking about b) not abuse them because you are to arrogant and ignorant to understand what they're saying and c) LEARN HOW TO USE A COMPUTER BEFORE DRIVING ONE.
Incident 2 - A complete lack of manners
I catch a bus to home at 7:15pm that leaves from town, a 12 minute walk and a 9 minute run with my backpack from work.
A pair of poorly spoken Asian customers came in at 6:55 (5 minutes to closing time), I asked them if they wanted a hand and they said no. At 7:01 just as I'm about to leave and I cheerfully reminded them that we were closed they said "Hur,,, can take please, one twenty, two inch monitor" I asked them if they were able to come back tomorrow as I had to leave to get home in time and the stockroom of the store was already locked up and it would take me a little while to get it open. They begged me "Huuu, please, desperately need for tonight, very import-ant". Since I'm particularly nice I decided I might go quickly grab one for them so I ran out the back, unlocked the technology cage and retrieved a monitor relocked up the cage for them and returned to the sales floor at 7:04 (just enough time to make the bus). I start walking to the front register and they go "errr, need, second 22 monitor please". I felt like murdering them, its the first time I've sworn at a customer "HOW FUCKING RUDE".
They had just put me in an impossible position because I had 3 options at this point
1) Refuse them service in which case I'd have to return the monitor to the cage which would take another three minutes and make me miss my bus
2) Get the second monitor from the cage which would take three minutes and make me miss my bus.
3) Bash them to death with the 22" monitor, get charged with assault and miss my bus.
I was about about one fry short of option 3) however that nice side of me popped up again and I went for option 2).
Long story short I didnt get out of the store until 7:09 and I was unable to make the bus in time.
Incident 3 - Lax quality control at Coles
After having a day like that I often buy myself a little treat just to cheer myself up. Usually some cheese or salad, in this case a chicken noodle salad from the deli.
As it turned out it was, chicken, noodle, self tapping screw salad.
I can tell you this particular variation of this salad did not taste very nice, particularly as self tapping screws are rather sharp when you bite them.
I called them and complained, I guess I'll probably get a refund. Shame I cant refund the whole day.
However - Some good
There are some good sides to my day, and they are all related to people around me.
* Klingers: Thank you thank you thank you for sending that tutorial to me after getting home from such a long day of work and uni. I know after a day like that I would feel brain dead and meh. So you are officially the awesome. :-)
* Sandman: Thanks for putting up with the ranting, I'm sure it was more than boring. :-)
* Shan: Thank you coming to get me after missing my bus, I cant tell you how much better that made me feel after dealing with those people. If anything or anyone can make me feel better after a day like that its you turning up to save me with a hug and a smile. <3
You all rock :-)
Anyway, sorry for such the a long rant, like I said, crappy day.