
Feb 21, 2011 12:02

Jan and I went to Madison to see the protest Saturday. 70,000 people there. Most were concerned about the teachers losing out in the elimination for collective bargaining.
The brats and beer were excellent too!

The sixth week p90x w no fruta planta gain all the weight back. lol

The pay went down 2% as the state tax increase took efffect. Food prices are higher too. What the heck?

Interesting... Giordanos filed for bankruptcy. They had the deep dish pizza that Chicago is known for.

Things I learned this week from my LJ and Twit friends.
- shovel face? that's entertaining
- And i am so glad we have made it through the dark times of scraping by and unemployment.
- You must kidnap him and bring him to me.
- 2011. The year a circle became a square.
- The boys aren't mindreaders and they seem to be relieved, even appreciative, when I let them know what I would like.
- Everything is some kinda formal date with a person of a specific background. Haven't ya'll just ever made out at the afterhours bar at 4am?
- He's older. Heavier. Missing some hair.
- From -17 to 56. It's 73 degrees warmer than it was a week ago.
- The House voted to bar Planned Parenthood from federal funding
- I can even put them in cute bras and look at them and touch them and it's almost like having a girlfriend
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