Jun 14, 2006 02:30
Taken from umichhorn's latest entry....
[A is for age]: 22
[B is for beer of choice]: Leinenkugel
[C is for career]: Indeterminate. Probably astronomy or some such.
[D is for your dog's name]: Chewie
[E is for your essential daily item]: The Internet
[F is for favorite song at the moment]: Ben Folds - "Heute ist Mein Tag"
[G is for favorite games]: Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble
[H is for Hometown]: Hudson, WI
[I is for the instrument you play]: Piano, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Contrabass Clarinet, Tenor Sax.
[J is for favorite flavor of juice]: Purple Grape
[K is for kids]: Very cute, looking forward to having my own.
[L is for last hug?]: From my grandmother Dorothy, I believe.
[M is for marriage]: Looking forward to finding the right person...
[N is for name of your crush]: Jewel Staite/Drew Barrymore
[O is for overnight hospital stays]: Never had one, but one of my friends did. That was scary.
[P is for phobias]: Embarrassment, rejection.
[Q is for quote]: "Only two things are infinite: The Universe and Stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the former." -Albert Einstein
[R is for biggest regret]: Not taking better care of my emotional health.
[S is for status]: social status? Middle class, I guess.
[T is for time you wake up]: By my own choice, between 10 and noon. Any time before that is due to some other obligation.
[U is for underwear]: FTL, all the way.
[V is for vegetable you love]: Broccoli, Baby Spinach, fresh green pea pods.
[W is for worst habit]: Procrastination.
[X is for x-rays you've had]: Routine exams over the years, one chest X-Ray when I had bronchitis.
[Y is for yummy food you make]: Chocolate chip cookies/Butterscotch bars.
[Z is for zodiac]: Virgo (the virgin; oy...)