Warning: Before clicking on the link to Random Pic post, be aware the post does contain porn and a dismembered person
Over at
Random Pics which, while often has tasteless pictures posted that members get use to, someone thought that it would be perfectly acceptable to post a picture of some kids strangling a puppy, picture of it's burned body, and then right below it, a picture of a real eyeball that was hard to tell if it was from a dog or a human. The same post also contains an illustration of a dismembered dead guy.
When asked, the OP took down the picture of the puppy, but not without complaining that he didn't know he was posting the pictures,
it was a code he had. He also reacts negatively to other people disliking the pictures, and later goes on to complain how
'weak kneed and sensitive the people of lj are'.
Another user does point, quite reasonably,
that it's easy to close a tab although there's no mention of the fact that closing a tab only does so much..
An interesting small discussion did start about
'Animals vs. People' While some other users are disappointed the pictures have been taken down, joining in the complainants that people who didn't like the pictures were too sensitive.
Interested to see what you guys would make of this. And ignore my flame war unless you want to join in laughing and making fun of me or the other guy,