If you're a gay doctor, don't ever touch my child! Unless it's an emergency, of course.

Oct 26, 2011 10:07

Linda Harvey, Mission America Radio Host, Warns Parents Of Dangers Of Children Seeing Gay Doctors

You'll want to go to HuffPo's site to read the article, as there is a video of her idiocy.

But, an excerpt:

“…writin­g a letter that you file with your pediatrici­an that should your child ever be hospitaliz­ed, you do not want your child to be treated or cared for by one of these members of the Children’s Hospital gay employees group except in the case of an emergency situation. But for routine in-hospita­l care where contact with your child would be required, your values should be respected.­”

Isn’t that fucking nice. “Don’t touch my child … unless he/she is about to die. Then I’ll make an allowance and allow you icky, icky gay people to save him/her.”

The cognitive dissonance here is large. They are blatant hypocrites, and even admit it to the world at large.

If they don’t want icky gay doctors to care for their children, they shouldn’t have icky gay doctors care for their children for any reason. Emergency situation or not.
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