ragey and stupid: featuring abusive swim coach!

May 09, 2011 14:12

swim coach sees a supposedly illegal move take place during a swim meet. his response? reaching down and grabbing one of his swimmers by her hair.

According to FOX 40 News in Sacramento, Roseville (Calif.) High assistant swimming coach Geoff Capell attempted to pull the captain of the school's girls swimming team, Jennifer McCarroll, out of the pool by her hair following a race in the Sierra Foothill League Swimming Championships. Roseville's girls finished fifth out of six teams at the meet.

While no official rationale for the hair-pulling incident has been given, it's believed that Capell was furious at McCarroll and another of the team's swimmers for what he considered to be an "intentional disqualification." The other swimmer involved has yet to be identified.

"We're very sorry that this unfortunate incident occurred," Roseville Joint Unified School District Director of Pupil Services Steve Williams said in a statement to the press. "A physical response like this by any coach for any reason cannot and will not be supported."

While McCarroll's parents and others are rightly upset about the senior being pulled up by her scalp, other swim parents have allegedly defended the assistant coach's actions due to the disqualification that sparked them. That disqualification is expected to land both McCarroll and the other swimmer some type of a disciplinary response from the team's head swimming coach, who happens to be Capell's daughter, Kelly Capell.

yet some parents out there are STILL defending this scumbag, saying it was because of the supposedly illegal move and "oh he just behaved badly!" WTF. wonder how they would have felt if it was THEIR daughter being hauled around by her hair in front of God and everybody. -_- and i hope they monitor the other coach (aka daughter dearest) VERY closely. if i had a kid on that team, i wouldn't trust her for awhile after this incident.

what the fuck, child abuse, news

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