Africa is rich in beauty, rare creatures, natural minerals, precious stones, fossil fuels, high and prosperous soil fertility. Sounds like a wealthy continent? Then why are the people always seen in poverty? Why are people always at war? Why is it that most parts of Africa are considered third world countries? Simple… it wasn’t their fault it’s forced upon them.
With the potential Africa has, there will always be countries who will try and destroy it, and suppress the people from everything they have and own in there own country. Once they have suppressed the people, it is easier to control them (e.g. promoting hate between each other with battles against religion, battles against who’s in power, battles against everything. Introduction of AIDS and disease.) Africa has been tormented by these factors for years on end and it never stops. The people who invest in Africa’s resources, the wealthy and the rich, want to terminate the people so it is easier for them to come in reach with these moneymaking resources. And what between way to terminate the people then with disease and war. These outside investors buy the goods that come within Africa in exchange for money. Which seems reasonable right? There are two things that are not right with this exchange. The money goes to the government and the government is supposed to spend that money to benefit the citizens. But it does none of the sort, money is always referred to as the greatest evil of the earth and it is. What is this money then spent on? Weaponry and war artillery.
I will use one country’s reality as an example. A speaker not to long ago came to my school to speak about this very topic. He has spent seven years in Uganda and presented the school with the reality of life there. It was not pleasant at all, it struck me so hard that I wonder how this man could have lived therefore so long. How could he bear to witness the reality of the place he was in (Uganda, I think it was). He watched young boys who have not even reached the age of ten, dressed in army attire and rifles in their hands. They were child soldiers? Now to me that is a contradiction, because... the words child and soldier do not go together! Nowhere in the world should a child be faced with such a task or a job to fulfill such as being a soldier. Not even ten! And a soldier? Can you see what’s wrong with this picture? People in the streets are in desperate need for clean water and nutrition. They wouldn’t be if all that money they had received were spent to the PEOPLES benefit, not to their destruction. Just so they can kill off each other. People are so blind, this is what I mean when I said, when people are suppressed to almost nothing they are easy to control. Look at the 10-year-old soldier? I’ll use America as my example because recently they have entered places such as the Middle East in search of “weapons of mass destruction”, in other words precious resources. And why wouldn’t of they attack Africa many times in the past and today. They take a country rich in resources and high in poverty and take advantage of it.
In Uganda there are two main chief groups and they are each battling out to achieve power of the country. None of them want each as the “president” of the country so they constantly fight for power. Killing each other off, because they want the power, (this topic is very touchy and complex, I’m sorry I have no specific details or statistics, I’m just mentioning what I’ve learned in its most basic form). People are constantly fighting there and it’s a tragic reality. Its sad to see that hate amongst each other has created such misery. I mean hate, when it is directed in a place where there should only be love, just ruins everyone. Hate then builds up and grows and continues to destroy.
Isn’t it interesting that when the tsunami disaster struck that every country immediately pitch din to help with the efforts donating a total of millions even billions of dollars. I’m not saying its bad just it interesting how they can do that to something that has just happened and not have the same reaction to something that has been happening for years. Poverty in Africa, if the same effort was put into helping the deprived in Africa, do you think there would be so much hate? Do you think the poverty level might just drop? I mean im not saying anything against the tsunami relief funds; I think it is wonderful with all the donations coming through. People helping people. But why couldn’t we all do this with Africa? We tend to ignore this until another one of those Christian donation commercials come up. Most people quickly change the channel because they cannot witness the images. They change so they can get it out of their minds and forget it. We humans always forget, we see what is happening but we really do not grasp it. Unless we were caught in the same position ourselves. It always comes into effect when things affect you when they get personal.
Witnessing people live in such horrendous commendations always tears me apart. I cry and at the same time get so upset because I can’t really do anything to help. I want to physically be there and help everyone who is in need. But it’s so hard. Ill continues with my donations to charities that do help these people. That way I know I play a part in trying to save them.
This is more like a personal reflection on my view. I hope you enjoyed. I know it’s a lot to read
Id like to see more reflections, points of views, controversial topics or anything that just pisses you off in hear. All of you have great minds and when you get into that moment when something in the world happened and it just ticks you off, express it please. It will be greatly appreciated. We all have voices use them to fight the evils and correct the wrongs in society. Thank you guys…. In the words of Zack, take the power back