(no subject)

Feb 08, 2005 09:07

As most of you can see I have jumped ships and have gone from deadjournal to livejournal. I'll occasionally update my deadjournal thought just so it doesn't get deleted. Why I've switched over, I don't really know. Probably to try to get more comments since I'm a comment whore. I live for comments.

I think it's finally starting to hit me that I really shouldn't take 7 AM classes anymore. I've never really been a morning person..at all. I'm so unbeleivably tired right now that I think I just might go to back to sleep after this entry.  In other news I'm finally getting my long  awaited promotion at Shoprite to the courtesy desk. I was pretty happy when Denise told me that she was going to train me when Dave had finished his training. So I guess I really have no reason to leave there and get a new job now. I mean I'm making over  10 dollars an hour and I'm probably not going to find a better job than that. Also I have an internship with the Nassau County Police Department, which should begin sometime soon I believe, so that takes care of the law enforcement experience that I wanted to get.

School is actually going really well for once, and I think I'm going to keep it up for this semester. A lot of things have changed and I'm a lot happier with my life than I was last semester. I have a ton of papers due this semester, but in most of my classes that takes the place of tests. So I'm not really overloaded with work. Yesterday in school I walked into the P building(phys. ed complex) and there was this kid slouched over throwing up on the floor. So me, being the hero that I am took 10 minutes of my time to help him out. I asked if he was ok, brought him to the bathroom and told him to drink some water, and just pretty much make sure that he didn't pass out or anything(because  he looked like crap) AND I still managed to make it to my gym class on time. It made me feel pretty good after I helped him out. I mean if I was throwing up in the middle of a hallway I would want someone to help me too. That really didn't come into mind until after I helped him out though. I guess I just saw someone that needed help, so I helped him...I don't know.

Well, I think that is going to conclude my first journal entry, I need to get my ass back to sleep. You people should leave comments.
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