A Move...?

Nov 04, 2008 14:58

Since the last time I visited Adrienne in new york last christmas I've wanted to move there so badly. I just chucked it up to a dream. But my sister called me and told me she was moving soon, and was looking for a new apartment. I told her I'm so jealous my lease is up around the same time and I would love to move up there. She always says how she wishes I could move up here too but I never take her too seriously. But NY just kept coming up, at work, and my sister kept calling me again telling me how she's moving and my mom called me and told me how they were saying they were talking about me moving up there. Girls at work were telling stories about how they lived with their sisters when they were younger. I don't know I never really get many signs but it seems like I'm getting them lately. I would love to move up there. I'm scared about jobs and not making enough money for my expenses, but I think I could do it. I've been doing it since I was 18 down here. There's only one thing really holding me back and it's my stupid car. I wouldn't be able to afford to pay my car payments and rent in NY. I don't think anyone would buy my car for what it's worth either... I just don't know. All I know is if there was a way for me to move to NY I would do it!
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