Aug 13, 2004 15:54
so... im at my grandmothers house right now waiting for hurricane Charley to hit and I decided to update this shizit on my cousins laptop, isnt that special? lol. Anyways, so the level 2 hurricane has now turned into a level 4 hurricane with chance of turning into a tornado and horrible flooding. To make things even more interesting, it is heading right towards the area that im staying and the area that im supposed to fly out of... So, as one can tell, my flight for this evening has been delayed until tomorrow morning. If something happens to cancel that flight, it will probably be delayed until the 17th. How shitty is that?! haha.. Corey and I are watching the news and it keeps saying that all this shit thats been going on has all become "the worst case scenarios." Isnt that niiice?.. cuz I think so. So, we had to go around making sure that all breakable stuff is put away, everything outside was brought it, boarding up the windows and making sure they are shuttered and we had to make my grandmothers 2 closets into "safe rooms." Im so excited to sit in a lil room cramped up with my smelly lil brother, corey and my mom for possibly hours on end. As long as it doesnt go north right now... it shouldnt be too bad. It seems like im worried about all this, but strangely enough, im not. In fact, ive been sitting around with my cousins and some of their friends drinking beer and talking about random things. This shit doesnt even phase me, i just wanna get it over with so that I can get home to get my life back in order... *le sigh*
... well, im gonna go so that Corey can get on real quick... but wish me luck people.