(no subject)

Sep 21, 2003 20:27

ok.. so I didnt realize that i havent updated in as long as i have. fuck. SO much has gone on. Ive continued to get sicker and sicker.. i finally gave in and went to the doctor to see what the fuck is wrong... but we cant figure it out. I ended up having to get some blood tests done and i should find out results tomorrow. Also, the other day, i woke up and had this horrible rash.. then the next morning, my face was almost completley swollen shut, what the hell?! Now im on hella medications that are making me WAY out of it. Arrr. As if thats not enough, ive been working my ass off, im tired as fuck and im such an emotional rollarcoaster thats its not even funny. Im also getting more and more scared cuz tomorrow i start my first day at college. I dont know what the hell im doing. Fat. Also, can i ask why all of my friends are moving away from me??? As if Zac, RaeAnne, Jenny, Pat and HELLLLA other people wasnt enough, i just found out yesterday that Margaret is moving in a week. I went to her party last night, which was gay... she ended up slapping this fucking asshole that was disrespecting. I got drunk *not on purpose* and called people. who? i dont remember. Ok, yeah.. im done... sorry everyone. bye.
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