So soooory! I haven't written in ages. Argity on me! Well, let's do an overview of today sha'll we then...
1) Woke up
2) Got clean
3) Decided to wear pretty foo-foo things for no apparent reason
4) ate food cause my tummy said marg!
5) cleaned room (very good idea on my part!)
6) did laundry
7) put poetry on a disk
8) cleaned again
9) put off homework
10) did tin-cy bit ah' homework
11) put of homewrok again but for a really long time
12) made mommy food
13) talked to parental guardian about dumb crap
14) painted my butt off
15) rollerbladed
16) called Skyler gentie
17) called Erica friendsie
18) typed whatever was before this sentence
19) typed this sentence
Erica friensie on the phone says: "Dustin is dumb! I hate going to the hospital! My eye hurts. I'm hungry"
We went to the hospital because her eyebrow was ripped open. Icky gone really icky...times 50,000. But she's better now. Oh! Erica friendsie my bestist friendsie besides Elsa, anyways Erica lives next to this rapper and he moved out yesterday and we got a free cd. We forgot to have him sign it though. Stupid me! I'm too hungry to keep writing so I will add more later or just update tommorrow.
Lot's of Love and Toodles,
Best of days to ya.
you are earth. You are someone everyone can trust
and rely upon when they are in need. Your
srtenghts are in your ability to think before
you act as well as the trust that your friends
have in you. Your weaknesses are that you are
very stubborn abd set in your ways. This is my
element, therefore you are also a very kewl
person. my im is merlin4jc, IM me!!!
elemental quiz brought to you by