outlawpois: hey
outlawpois: Hey you can see who's blocking you on AIM! Download it now
http://www.block-checker.comoutlawpois: how u feeling?
tankgirlfck: hi
outlawpois: how u feeling?
tankgirlfck: waht do you mean?
outlawpois: i love you
tankgirlfck: nope dotn say that i dotn like it
outlawpois: k
outlawpois: i still love you
tankgirlfck: shhhhhhhhhhh ther listening to the conversation
tankgirlfck: i have gottentoo far i cant have you blowing my cover
outlawpois: what cover?
tankgirlfck: shhhhh ther on to us... QUICK TALK ABOUT PONIES BEFORE THEY SHOOT AT US!!!
outlawpois: what r u doing?
tankgirlfck: omg what are you doing besides blowing my cover form now on im agent 227-tank
outlawpois signed off at 7:12:17 PM.
tankgirlfck: i neve told you but sylvia is my secret identity and now before you know it walmart will be trailing our asses