perhaps i've abandoned ship

Dec 10, 2007 23:30

I found some welches fruit snacks tucked in my sweater opened and warmed by my abdominals perhaps contrary to what one would think snacks with real juice become less squishy when body temperature

european says americans are emotional corpses, never yelling never screaming always reclining into therapy or silent treatments, perhaps as a result of all the yelling or maybe all the silence. portugal asks where has all the passion gone i sing dracula compositions and feel something my thigh when you bump my foot, if I yelled and asked, would you think I'm crazy? if i baked goods with sherry in hand or started blowing my nose more or ate my weight in feelings all the passion would be in my personal narrative and burnt fingers, our  emotional rollercoasters and tipsy aunts pumped with formaldehyde but insisting on some life. tact or the mast hitting you in the head rendering you unconcious will i ever be forgiven, i was just trying to make a point. where has all the passion gone. there is too much doublethink to consider and feelings to gently massage, but that's okay, i tell the EU, please do not worry about us, take advantage of our weakened dollar the shopping is great and the shopgirls are pleasant!
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