I am really frustrated right now. I want to buy a house sooo badly.
CLICK HERE to see the one I am drooling over. I refuse to move out and pay rent when I can stay at home for a bit more, save up, and then buy. I just hate this waiting bullshit in the meantime. Can't I win the lottery or have some long lost relative I never knew I had leave some large sum of money? C'mon! Why not????
Got my taxes done today. I was hoping to use the money from my refund to buy a bigger tv to replace the tiny 13" I currently have in my bedroom, and then use the rest to pay down my credit card. Wasn't I suprised when I found out that my state and federal refunds COMBINED will be a whopping $78.00! Better than havinf to pay I suppose, but not much better. Especially considering that I had to pay $113.00 to have the damn things prepared! I hate not being able to do them myself, but I refuse to risk it with having all the extra work for the web store in addition to the day job.