Like I said, don't fucking touch me. EVER!!

Aug 08, 2007 23:55

Today was a hard yet productive day....Lawdy.

I had the wonderful fortune of running around on my off day getting savings bonds cashed for my Clayton, paying our household bills. setting up our joint account as well as another account for Clayton, and being assaulted by some bitch that didn't like that I put her in her place.

We (clay and I) were at the bank and we were taking care of our financial business...(which everyone knows that if you have estate monies to liquidate, you needs some extra time) when 30 minutes into it, some stupid-assed women got in line behind us and began to bitch about the long time it took, the heat, how incompetent the lady that was waiting on us was, etc, etc....

That, right there, as my friend Jillian would say, "CHAPPED MY ASS".  These women were ragging on her because she was white...and how do I know this?  They kept on referring to her race and saying ignorant shit like "white girl needs to hustle her stupid ass", and "damn, I know we have affirmative action things around here, but this white b**ch is taking it too far."

I looked dead in the eyes of one of the bullies and was like, "Since she is waiting on my husband and me, she can take FOREVER if she likes...she is NOT going to rush so you fucking hyenas can get your paltry 5 dollar check cashed or some shit like that...this is BUSINESS, ladies, and she needs to FOCUS."

They shut the hell up...Clayton was like, "damn, take your meds today?"

Yes I did, but I am sick and tired of people doing crass shit like that...some would argue that what I did was crass too, but I beg to differ...I was taught that if you have nothing positive to bring to the party, then leave your ass at home....if you cannot be patient, then you need to find yourself by yourself..patience is a VIRTUE, you know.

We finished, I thanked her for her patience and I apologized for the assholes that clowned her, and I then made it a point to tell her boss what a excellent job she did....he was happy and so was she...she told me that I made her evening...and I am glad I did...she did a wonderful job helping Clay and I with our bond liquidation and our stock information...

I was walking towards the grocery store, feeling good, when this bitch comes up to me, and tries to "chastise me."  "Two wrongs don't make a right," she said.

Me being the observant person I am, I sweetly said, "you're one of the bitches that complained about the clowned a girl that was doing her job and now you want to clown me because you've been put right by someone younger than you?  Build a bridge and get over yourself, because ten minutes ago, I so got over you and your rude behaviour."

She then  GRABS my wrist and tries to speak to me again..HELL NO!!


Yes.....I lost it.  In the store.  By the seedless cucumbers.

Clay came up to me and was like, "what in the hell...?"

I told him how this crazy woman TOUCHED me without MY PERMISSION.  I was shaking so hard, he had to hold me to calm em down....I hate hate hate unwarranted touching...I have this really strict thing about my personal space...I hate it being violated, and I will kick and scream, and I guess in this case, come unhinged should it be violated.

She kept looking at me and saying," you're crazy."

Clay was mad then..."Keep away from my wife, or your ass will end up in jail for assault!" She never, ever gave you permission to touch her....don't you EVER do that again!  She's frightened, and she's angry!  She doesn't know you! You could be harboring a disease!

She then slunk away.....

I was soo upset...I felt so....violated.  So...invaded upon.

I know that to the average person I went too far...I don't think so...I have issues with space and boundaries...when you've been abused and violated like I've been in the past, you tend to really really really protect your space.  Had the lady been observant, she would've seen that I didn't want her in my space....

And she chose to not heed.

And so she got...."beth at her most basic", as my friend Corey would say.

Not my proudest moment, but not my most embarrasing, either.


cool, stoe, fear, clay, crazy, assault, alone, scared, money, violated, bonds, anger

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