May 31, 2011 11:07
Wow, has it been almost 6 months?
Does anyone else ever set themselves to a goal (school, in my case) and realize, some months (6 MONTHS) down the road that they've, er, let something slide for a bit too long? Like writing, and posting to their livejournal, perhaps? And have they ever sheepishly allowed it to go on longer because it's sort of awkward to pick it back up without some sort of intervention and they're also sort of afraid of looking like an idiot?
However, since it is summer now, and I do have a littttttle bit of free time coming to me, I will actually be posting fannish things (coming soon), like, you know, stories and other related stuffs, and also, since I've been months (6 MONTHS) incommunicado, essentially, here's a request for anyone who might be interested in helping me out:
Does anyone have any K/S recs for me that were posted in the last few months (6 MONTHS... or whenever, *cough*) that they're dying to share? Cuz I have been quite literally buried in life and now that I'm surfacing I'm looking to glut myself on fandom. Lovely, lovely fandom.