Re: While I wait for the paint on my Automail to dry

Apr 07, 2009 03:42

Things I actually managed to do while waiting:

  • discovered I had enough room to record House anyway, and just watched Bones later
  • sanded the crappy spot on my Automail elbow to the point of 'oh hell, it's close enough-- I'm too lazy to care anymore'
  • found paper & got all my notes for the next Heroes recap
  • downloaded torrent for new FMA episode
  • had torrent for Black Jack 21 finish (still waiting on last episode of Blackpool... grr!  I want to see David Tennant singing and/or in his underwear!)
  • cursed nature yet again
  • decided on the DW-Tsubasa macro
  • became too distracted by new Tsubasa chapter to remember about DW movie, and realized that whatever drugs Clamp are on are starting to effect their usually gorgeous art now too. Seriously ladies, you're incredibly talented and your art is beautiful >99% of the time, but what the hell is even going on in this picture?:

So to summarize-- I didn't really accomplish anything important today, which is bad cause I've got a lot of shit I need to get done within the next few days for con.

my real life omfg, manga, cosplay, tv, arts & crafts, fullmetal alchemist, anime, bitching

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