What's better than a Dalek? A ~*CAKE*~ Dalek.

Sep 12, 2009 04:06

This is a link to pretty much useless Food Network page for the new episode of Ace of Cakes that was on this week, but here ya go.

Th- they made a Dalek cake! It had a spinny head! And it talked! And they even made the little squiddy-thing that sits inside! Then they had a little Tardis to dangle next to it! GUH. Dammit, why is the only picture I can find a shitty one on someone's Twitter that doesn't even come close to giving you the whole effect?! Mark my words, as soon as I can find a way to download this episode I'm going to screencap the living shit out of it for posterity. Things this awesome cannot go undocumented for future generations to behold.

Sadly, I will never get to have Charm City Cakes make me one of my own. I looked up their website, and not only do their super-special-awesome custom cakes cost an average of a thousand fucking dollars, they don't ship cakes (lucky bastards in the Baltimore-area, I kind of hate you just a little now). I suppose these are actually good things though, as:

1) If I'm spending a grand on a cake (even if it was a special one like for my wedding or something), that Dalek better be at least the same size as the ones they actually use on the show, if not bigger. I'm not sure the one they made was even 2 ft. tall. And that Tardis better be cake too (pretty sure theirs was just a toy).
2) Even if they did ship, shipping squishy cake from Baltimore to around-Seattle? Yeah, no. I just can't see that ending well.
3) I couldn't eat it anyway. Not so much from being diabetic (that would just limit how much of it I could eat), but because it would ruin it and that would just be wrong. It's a work of art that has so many hours of hard work and careful attention to detail put into it that I just couldn't do it. But, possibly most importantly,
4) My dad sure as hell could. We get that Dalek cake, or any other cake, or CUPcakes, and even if it's been bought specifically for someone else and they have final say on when/if it's gotten into and who can get into it when/how much, he will pester them about when they're going to eat it until they finally snap and say 'shut the fuck up already, you can have some of the damn cake!' And then he'll polish off at least a quarter, sometimes half by himself, at which point we'd be left with probably about 2/3 of a Dalek, and that's just not very impressive.

this is made of win, tv, christ it's a dalek get in the tardis, bitching, doctor who, squee, fangirling

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