I’d let them eat cake, but all we ever have for snacks is tortilla chips (if anything)

May 05, 2009 01:41

I can only assume my first week as Anime Club president went okay because none of the club members decided to re-enact the French Revolution and depose-then-behead me or the new treasurer.

I can also only assume that I should give a little bit of backstory for that seeing as how out of the two people who I know actually read this --I still have no idea if anyone else ever does besides on my macro posts (hello, lurkers!)-only one of them knows what’s going on here, and I told the other I’d make a post about it to let him know what happened.

For the last 6 class quarters, I’ve been the treasurer/vice-president (officially just ‘treasurer’, but it’s the same thing the way we run stuff) of my college’s anime club. My rather drama-accident-and-illness-prone friend C (that description barely begins to cover it, believe me) was the club president, and our friend S was club secretary (a term we used loosely, as we never had much secretarial work for him to do, but he was our 3rd seat nonetheless). The best way to describe us is that I’m the Kyouya to C’s Tamaki, and S is probably somewhere between our Mori and our Haruhi (he usually lets us make decisions without objection, but he will let us [C] know if we’re [she's] going overboard). If you have no idea what any of that means, go watch some of this. ...Hell, even if you do know what I'm talking about go watch some of it. It's fucking hilarious.

Anyway! Last Tuesday night, somewhat out of the blue, C calls me to let me know that’s she’s going to have to resign as club president. Now, it’s unfortunately normal for her to either get really sick or have some sudden family drama to attend to, but nothing that’s ever made her say she actually has to resign, so my reaction was basically: …wtf? 0_o

She and her fiancé (M) just had a baby this February, but last summer before she knew for sure that she was pregnant, she fell on some stairs and hurt her back. Don’t worry-the baby was just fine and is doing quite well. At the time though, C needed to have an MRI done on her back because her doctors didn’t know if she’d need surgery to fix it, but they couldn’t then without risking the baby, so she waits. Flash forward to sometime between the 16th and 23rd of last month, and her back has gotten so bad that she can no longer walk or stand up on her own.

She’s feeling all right physically, and she’s borrowing a wheelchair from her grandparents so she’s not stuck in bed all day (she plans on having surgery within the next month or two, after which she should be fine, & her grandparents are looking after the baby), but that’s the only way she can get around, and therein lies the problem. You see, her apartment building is kind of old and doesn’t have an elevator. She lives on the second floor. If someone carries her down the stairs, she can still go places in her wheelchair, but since her fiancé has to work, she’s kinda stuck at home.

Therefore, I’ve been promoted to president, and S is the new treasurer. This late in the school year, that pretty much just means we work the dvd player and baby-sit the club members (keep them quiet so that they don’t annoy any classes going on during our meetings, make sure they don’t put on hentai, etc.). At most we may do something small for our usual end-of-the-quarter party, maybe let people do open-mic karaoke if they want, but it kinda depends on if anyone donates money to the club snack fund, which they’ve seriously been slacking on helping with lately, but also haven’t complained about the lack of snacks, so I don’t know. Will have to talk the idea over with S, see if he thinks it’ll work. My mom congratulated me on it and said it’d look good on resumes, which I suppose is true, but I still feel bad that I'm getting any benefit from it (however small) ‘cos C had to get hurt for it to happen.

M had last Thursday off so he could bring her to the club meeting and she could tell everyone else the news herself, but she is a bit depressed that she had to quit and’ll now be stuck at home most of the time until she gets her surgery though. I’d gotten a card for everyone to sign for her as kind of a get well/we’ll miss you-type thing to surprise her with since I thought she wouldn’t be there, but about an hour before club she calls and says she’s coming in and that she wants to tell people herself, so I’m holding onto it until this Thursday. Tell the club members that she worked her ass off coming up with any idea she could to make club more fun for them, so the least we can do is let her know we’ll miss her and try to put a smile on her face. Hopefully it'll work.

Will see just how well I do this Thursday, however. My birthday's on Wednesday, so as a treat for myself I'm exec-ing (that's what we call it when we decide we'll show something without letting club members vote on it) the first Bleach musical. I think it's absolutely brilliant in a very camp, over-the-top, silly way that's probably even more awesome and funny at 3am, but I don't know how the rest of club will take it. Oh well. When else are they ever going to get to see Aizen, Byakuya, and Hitsugaya singing like they're in a boy-band together? (Don't say Bleach fillers, even they haven't gotten that cracktastic yet.)

bleach, my real life omfg, bitching, anime

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