Nov 27, 2012 22:49
I auditioned for Urinetown today, and I'm very excited! I think it was one of the best auditions I've given, and I got great responses from the Director, AD, and accompanist. I also was asked to read a scene with Per, both of us reading the parts we auditioned for (Officer Lockstock and Little Sally.) It was so much fun!
I would love to be in this show. It has been far far too long - five years! - since I've been in a musical. And I've not yet been in a play with Per. We will hear the results on Thursday.
Things have been going really really well. We hosted our first Thanksgiving last week. Joe's parents, his aunt and uncle and their three kids, Per's mom and sister, and Desmond joined us. It was absolutely wonderful. It was warm and happy and comfy. I am so blessed to have such loving family. We are going to Minneapolis for Christmas to spend the holiday with Per's family. This will be our first Christmas actually together, as last year Joe and I went to Texas and Per went to MN. I was surprised then how much I missed Per those two weeks, as I was still trying to keep myself from falling too far and looking too far ahead. I'm so happy to be with him still, and so looking forward to meeting more of his family and friends.
I'm really enjoying living with Betsy and Reed and Linus. I feel as though I haven't seen enough of them lately, so I will be logging off now to watch Chopped as a house.