May 01, 2005 08:32
Ok, so you people have exhausted me to the point where I can't stand it. I'm done. I'm not exactly sure where this whole thing began on Friday because on Tuesday, I had told Jeff that I no longer hated anybody and that I was actually happy he found someone who could make him happy because that was all I ever wanted for him...guess he didin't relay that message, did he? As for who I date and who I like...why don't we leave that to me. I don't see why that's any of your business...on the contrary to what you may believe, I'm not a slut, i'm not a bad person, and when I date a guy, i'm 100% in the relationship. So as for telling certain people that they'd be happier without me, why don't we let the guy decide. Ok, so I think I've gotten my point across. I'm done hating, but I can't make you change, so if you want to keep talking about me, go ahead...just know that it will no longer bother me, and nobody really cares or listens to what you say about me (because I do find out about EVERYTHING you say, mostly as people saying how dumb it was) You may look at this and think you win...maybe you do, I dunno. I just know that hating takes a lot of energy and I don't think this is necessary.
I'm done. Have a nice day. (oh, and unlike you, I actually mean it)
P.S. Thanks for joking about my "boobage"... real nice. I appreciate it