Long time no see~

Apr 04, 2010 22:34

Oh dear, I am terribly sorry for being so slow in my entries, but I have to say this spring has been rather hectic. A lot has happened so I'll try and sum up the most important bits.

1) UTADA'S CONCERT! I was there! Me! Yes, ME! And man, that was the night of my life. Seriously. I had to pay quite a lot to get a ticket, but I gotta say it was worth every penny. The reason being that before the concert I had fallen down into quite a deep dark hole (triggered by something I don't really want to talk about) and I didn't really care about anything and I was just really depressed every day. I was kinda afraid that I would not find the energy to even be excited about the concert even though I had been waiting for it for so long. But luckily, I was wrong. The concert was great. The best ever, seriously. It was so awesome that it managed to kick start me and bounce me out of that hole and back on my feet. If you could've have witnessed the transformation of how I was the day before the concert and the day after, you'd agree with me that the concert happened exactly at the right time and it was something I really needed in order to get my shit back together. Thank you Utada. <3

So, about the concert itself. Did I already mention it was amazing? I think apart from this one kinda disturbed dude, I was the one who bounced and shouted and waved the most there haha. And I think Utada actually noticed and looked at me a couple of times, since the venue was quite small (apparently it was supposed to hold 800, but seemed more like 300 at most) and I was like 7 meters from the stage. I spent the whole concert bouncing and standing on my toes (damn my legs hurt afterward) haha. At the end of the concert she threw these baseballs into the audience on which she had drawn Kuma (her teddy) and written her autograph. At first she was throwing them around randomly, but then she threw one in my direction, but it went too far. I am pretty sure she meant it for me, as right after that one she threw another one exactly in my direction again, but this time it fell just a bit short... Well, a girl can dream that's how it went, anyway. :D But I AM pretty sure!! Grawr. Anyway, it seems very likely that the concert I was in might be made into a tour DVD, so who knows, maybe can see me there!

2) Independent study / Dissertation. I actually have a topic. Wow, amazing! Considering how empty my head has been all spring, I am surprised I am one of the only people I know who actually has come up with an idea. And a good one at that. I'll investigate game violence's relevance to player experience and whatnot, and ah, what a pity, but I'll have to play quite many games for the case study, like GTA, Heavy Rain, etc..

3) The Brit fellah. I dumped him in January. He was such a brainless case and only talked to me about schoolwork or what manga he was gonna buy that I was getting bored to death. Oh and like, he almost never hugged me or anythin. We were only like schoolmates who happened to hold hands and kiss. Oh and he kissed horrible btw, like sucking in half of my face so I couldn't breathe.. And and, well I didn't really feel like I was getting any affection and truth be told, I didn't really enjoy being with him at any point. We ended things on quite good terms though and I thought everything was well, but noooo... He's now turned into quite the stalker. He sends me very long messages on facebook every few days about something dumb and there really isn't any point in replying as he doesn't listen to anything I say, only focuses on what he wants.. I could go into juicy details, but I am so tired of all his shit that I won't. All in all, he is clinging to me with all the strength he can muster I guess and I've seriously almost had about enough. I never knew someone could be this bad. He seems to consider us to be close friends, which is weird since we were never close to begin with.. wtf. Leave me be, please. I think if this just keeps on going like this, I will have to tell a member of staff at uni about this and say that he needs help. It's sad, that I don't consider it an impossibility that he'd wait for me in a bush and ambush and stab me and kill himself next... not that I think it's likely, oh no, just that it's not impossible, I don't think..

Well, that's some stuff in a nutshell. :D Ta-ta for now ~~!
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